
PGH srl. wants to guarantee maximum satisfaction in terms of purchasing experience and quality.

If for any reason you were not satisfied with your order, you can return the purchased product within 7 days from the delivery date. As soon as the logistics service of PGH srl will have received the return and checked that all the requirements have been met, you will be sent an e-mail confirming the acceptance of the return and you will be able to proceed with the choice of a new article for the replacement or reimbursement of the same through the same methodology of payment made for the purchase deducted the shipment expenses.

 If for unfortunate even you have received products that were not qualitatively compliant with what was requested, you can return the purchased product within 7 days from the delivery date. As soon as the logistics service of PGH srl will have received the return and checked that all the requirements have been met, you will be sent an e-mail confirming the acceptance of the return and you will be able to proceed with the choice of a new article for the replacement or reimbursement of the same through the same methodology of payment made.

Attention: purchases made in Factory Store section, during sales or other promotional periods cannot be returned.

The returns  can be exercised exclusively by the customer and in no case by the recipient of a possible gift. The costs of returns are entirely borne by the customer and PGH srl assumes no responsibility for any loss or damage to the package.

It is not possible to return products purchased online to stores and vice versa.

To start the returns procedure please e-mail at and our Customer Service will handle your request.



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